Riiippp with Brody the Kid #3

Hi everybody, and welcome to Riiippp with Brody the Kid!  This time, we are going to talk about some Hobby fun coming up with the Holidays and also some about things to do to give back, including a really cool thing with one of the best young players in all of baseball, Hunter Greene!!!!

First, we are going to talk about National Hobby Shop Day! This day is coming up fast, on Saturday December 8th!  Your local card shop owners hopefully will have some special deals on boxes or have some cool raffles!  They may run special deals where everyone gets a free promotional pack, have special deals where boxes are cheaper, or maybe offer some sleeves and toploaders for buying certain new products! They may even have a pizza party!!  Ask your LCS owner about this day and go have some fun.

Also, on this day, Big League Cards will be hosting the Price Challenge National Championship!!!  This is their 4th Price Challenge National Championship!  The prize for the winner will be $100 in store credit!!! Big League is located near Orlando, Florida, so if you are near there, you should definitely go to the store and check it out. If not, Big League will be broadcasting the championship live on Instagram and video will also be posted on their Facebook and their website. What a cool event!  Make sure you are studying your Beckett’s!  I can’t wait to watch!

Now we are going to talk about what to do over winter break. The first thing that I think all kids should do is go onto a phone, tablet or computer and look at cards on eBay or look at cards on their favorite websites and add some extra ideas to your wish list!! The holidays are a fun time to ask for either some cards that are a little more expensive that you can’t usually buy or find some cheaper brands you like so you can get a lot of cards!! Either way, make sure you ask for more cards!

Finally, we are going to talk about giving back. Remember always to think about other people before yourself. Maybe if your dad or mom likes a really cool or expensive card brand, you can just buy them a card from their favorite team or player.  Another idea is to save part of your card budget and either donate the money or buy some packs to donate to a charity.  Remember, it’s the thought that counts.   Something else I wanted to let everyone know about…I am sure you have all heard of Hunter Greene, the awesome prospect with the Reds, he is doing something really cool this month.  If you buy at least 3 pairs of reading glasses and ship them to Hunter’s foundation address before Christmas, he is going to autograph one of his Topps cards and send it to you!!!  He is collecting these glasses to give them to the homeless.  This is an awesome idea!!!  Check out Hunter’s twitter to find out all the details!  Way to go, Hunter!

Thank you for reading the December edition of Riiippp!  Happy Holidays everybody! I hope all kids (and teachers) have fun on your winter break!  I hope everyone is on Santa’s Nice List!!!  See you in January and Keep Warm!!!



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